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Research and mind maps

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I did research on belonging in a space, where I found out how being in a space that makes people comfortable and makes them feel like its their own space (like their belong there) is important. Also, I was intrigued by Mark Rothko abstractive paintings and how people interpret his work. 



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I did research on memory in art. I discovered that feeling of memory in work can be seen through visual vocabulary. Also, I learnt that when artist paints from memories he/she need to focus on senses and how he/she felt at this certain moment. Nick Goss showed me how memories vanish and gradually disappear.

Pierre Bonard is another artist that paints from memory. He was paining his wife that need to take bath everyday due to her condition. He was painting it from his perspective, which showed how he saw it. Also, I believe that his emotions, where showed through visual vocabulary. It showed me that I can use visual vocabulary to show feelings that were inside of me during certain memory. 


Ilse Craword led me to think about sense of touch, because by touching certain surface people can remember certain moments that are related to this surface. Also, she presented how to create a comfortable and functional space, including wellbeing of peoples that will occupate this space.


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Bjarke Ingels showed me his journay of becoming an architect, how he creates his ideas and develop them to become the real thing. he showed me ways of creating an ideas that are extraordinary. 


I mind map ideas and knowledge that I gain from those webinars that I might use in my project to move it foreword. 

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First two artists are related to my 2 and 3 initial idea. The last artist relate to my first initial idea that I choose. I found this idea the most interesting and I also wanted to learn a new technique. 

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When I choose my idea I did a mind map where I looked for ways to expand it, plan experiments and thing that I need to do in order to move my project foreword. 

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Pat Perry showed connection between memory and identity. Also how those memories affect her and who she is or become. 


Richard Gilbert was painting (etching) from memories. it showed how many details he remember from it and how he build atmosphere in his paintings. Also, it showed me how paint; by merging spaces, which was interesting.


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Howard Hodgkin showed me abstractive way of paintings moments and creating mood and atmosphere by using colours and brush strokes. 


Mike Ryczek paints realistic paintings that are slightly abstractive. She inspired me to paint similar paintings from memories. Also, her paintings look blurry showing that memories could be slowly vanishing.


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Zahid Mayo presented in his painting the experience of individuals and how surrounding affect them. From his work I learnt how people view sounding in the past, present and how that has changed. I explored the relationship between past and present. 


Michelle Darwin in her artwork showed how she felt in this space and what things happened this this space. It showed me that memories and feelings/emotions strongly relate to each other. Moreover, I found out that through visual vocabulary she showed her feelings in this painting. 



Valerie Hegarty has recreated her childhood bedroom and overlay the walls with colourful paper just to strip it during the exhibition. I found this really interesting, because it showed how places from our past change over time and eventually decay. Therefore, I did some experiments that were inspired by her work. 
Angela Deane paints ghost over old photographs to signify that she see memories as ghosts, which is interesting way of interpreting memories. Therefore, I stared to look at abandoned places and memories related to those places. 
Sunga Park travel around the world. She do a quick sketch of surrounding , towns or things that remind her of the place that she is and later she paints over the sketch trying to paints as much details as she remembers. It shows how many things she remember and how she remember it. 


Louise Nevelson is a sculpture. She unsprayed me to paint my sculpture, for example in black in order to make people focus on a sense of touch and make the sculpture shapes hard to identify. It could make people understand how blind people feel when they touch art. 
Boyle Family did some sculptures of earthy surface. it led me to think about creating a surface of ground, for example wavily-like as a sand to form a idea of beach in peoples mind and focus on their experience related to beach. Therefore people would have a similar memories of a place. 

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Those two artist showed me ways for blind person to experience art and the importance of touch. 

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I found an article "Why touching art is so tempting -- and exciting". This article is about why art should be touch and that touching art is part of the exhibition experience. Fiona Candlin wrote a book called  "Art, Museums, and Touch," which is about exploring and interpreting art through touch. Also, touching art make people connect with the artwork and artist. Therefore, touching art in the museum should be allowed. 

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